Tuesday, December 11, 2012


the way downward is gastric
distress night and day trumpet-tongued
men who took fieldmustard Alleluia
no crookedness untried hopeless men
lobbing useless missiles don't leave
a house half-built sprawl here
butterfly home sweet sightless angelic
pissing in the sun's face

Monday, October 22, 2012


took cup of gold a
Varangian bath teach her sober
ways disturbed thrives hilarity brimming
scarlet carnation McKinley's heavenly flower
nuptial all day no prize
better worn at finals white
wallowed left in the inkpot
swilled seen drenched flowers lean

Friday, September 28, 2012


dry'd butterflies ash-or-olive glory moonflowers
sonnet-perfect ornamental deep gentlemen of
brave metal lift Heavenly blue
by some accounts 40 neighboring
Paradise trod it is a
curse worthless John the Conqueror
root amulet tip take tomes
love-in-vain tiara and the lock

Monday, September 10, 2012


green to through pines wake
first get a house hovel
ten feet by ten hinges
take it down unmannerly resident
wild scold rampant yerk out
who could refrain inedible two
barrowloads of junk be quit
careful with that ox, Eugene

Monday, July 2, 2012


trumpet-blast people listening to their
lies worse a jubilee counting
ringing coin they never having
tasted bread ate no bread
rolling dung by their own
hand vultures debauch long stupidity
find me outside   There they
another pay the bill   are

Monday, June 4, 2012


nobler than Ethan Allen stand
his fault his three-fold picklock
beard Hugin and Munin bibulous
asked him if he'd like
to die hung horseshoe on
worldtree ophthalmic dewdrop ototoxic more
alive it is bad wholly
tocsin's fury felons' iron zeal

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


dame's rocket upon the very
tops cruellest saints rose garden
rocket a thrush pipe it
blue say vulgar summer songs
for me and my aunts
anglers only once brook paschal
retrievements sent finished hoick us
star above diamond sky what

Thursday, March 1, 2012


heaven's beau ideal toil river
stoppered up in a fennel
stalk covert for you seen
and ungathered a devil sates
sweet alisoun abloom stave glamours
distempers calm small globe O
casques abutting planetary flageolets flap-dragons
wallowed no bate marathon farfetched

Friday, February 3, 2012


eft gilded eye code emblem
synapse eftsoons eyeless conquistador cast
bright trails brassock charlock leaves
marginalia venom'd sting purge mortal
grossness ox-beef devoured should eat
each other eftest scruple silique
offend with good will forsworn
naught bottom a tonnap year

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Potter hates potter, carpenters compete,
And beggar strives with beggar, bard with bard.

Friday, January 13, 2012


et passim rivis currentia vina repressit

our whole sad story wine turned
to black and filthy gore flowing wine
and entrails constant singing song
unending groans and savage cries
their songs caressed the sky a breath
legend the jolly bowls go round
he spewed his soul the purple soul
vomits out his purple life like a
purple flower like a poppy no one
handier at smearing spears with poison
and setting music to the lyre
cut it down--though it was holy
what good has it done you?
(a fiendish gall that has no remedy)