Tuesday, November 8, 2011


sweat is streaming everywhere
he is panting
whose fame is now in darkness
they glitter
do not entrust your verses to the leaves
you are that Maximus the only man who
soothed the air with song
winds will take and scatter all of these
as a purple flower or poppies
erase you from the memory of time
mad poor fool
unlock the Alps
and singing still made for the stars
not mere rumor but a messenger more certain

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


the sweat ran down in streams rivering down
he seemed to pant he's breathless
whose names are in the dark lost in the dark depths
all shining glittering
commit no verses to the leaves
Maximus you are the only soul who
charmed the air with jargoning
these the winds of heaven scattered every one
as a bright flower as a crimson flower
take you out of the record of remembering time
he lost his head the idiot
the Alps laid open wide
left the earth and chanting sought the stars
indecent birds obscene birds