Wednesday, May 4, 2016


driverless horses fine-looking clay-eaters one
more nickel granted won't be
allowed to repel but Tacitus
undrowned may not bar him
so be it cannot ban
some Protean easy-chair deny one
more nickel determination foundered absolute
cannot keep him bona fide

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


what means his sword striking
in the field?  chopped down
the house  the shrill banner
sprayed with lye all quality
ransomless gave away the money
set free all the Greekish
girls broke your leg whilst
drum spirit-stirring drum and drum

A Test of Poetry

he'll continue to sit there
spend Eternity in that chair
will sit for ever fix'd
on his eternal chair sits
and there he will sit
cleaves to his chair cleaves
and has to sit sits
there and will sit forever

Friday, February 26, 2016


my driveway back home in
wheat prating of cola is
red in barley duo not
contemptible rye stamped heavy on
battleship silver service seed breeding
roots tubers in sweet clover
pero la carretera es verde
ready for play to continue


pyre us mountain home hill-garland
car carapace not more twin
backroad winebottle small above jeans
dashlit blossom glabrous in all
her glory no-man crickets in
polytechnic hedge much debatement sisterly
earthward nodding five-petalled statewide jellied
common clipped whose lustre lingers

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Blinky Watts is not blind.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


the way downward is gastric
distress night and day trumpet-tongued
men who took fieldmustard Alleluia
no crookedness untried hopeless men
lobbing useless missiles don't leave
a house half-built sprawl here
butterfly home sweet sightless angelic
pissing in the sun's face